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Raise Your Brain Injury Claims in UK - Seriously Injured

Brain Injuries can have drastic consequences and significant effects. A brain injury does not need to be severe for it to impact on an individual’s life. All too often, some of these effects can be ignored or dismissed as a complaint instead of being recognised as the effect or consequence of an injury. Common symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea and memory loss. In the more severe cases patients can undergo a personality change, suffer from speech and language problems, and in the most severe cases suffer from hemiplegia or fall into a vegetative state.

It is important for patients with brain injuries regardless of their severity or grading, to have early access to rehabilitation so that they can make the best recovery. All too often patients, in particular paediatric brain injured patients have little or no rehabilitation. Sometimes this arises out of unawareness and sometimes this can arise out of the negligence of the treating clinicians. Even the slightest knock to the head could result in a brain injury. The most subtle injuries sometimes can be ignored which leaves the claimant facing a life time of difficulty.

It is important therefore to seek legal advice for Brain Injury Claims at the outset if your brain injuries have occurred due to the negligence of someone else.

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